
One state lottery game has contestants select 5 different numbers from 1 to 45. The prize if all numbersare matched is 2 million dollars. The tickets are $2 each.1) How many different ticket possibilities are there? 45C5 =1,221,7592) If a person purchases one ticket, what is the probability of winning?1 in 1,221,759 = .0000008184920267What is the probability of losing?1-.0000008184920267 = .99999549063) Occasionally, you will hear of a group of people going in together to purchase a large amount oftickets. Suppose a group of 30 purchases 6,000 tickets.a) How much would each person have to contribute? 6000/30 = 200 tickets per person at $2 perticket = 200(2) = $ 400 per person.b) What is the probability of the group winning?6000/1221759=0.004910952Losing? 1-0.004910952 = .9950890484) How much would it cost to "buy the lottery", that is, buy a ticket to cover every possibility? Is itworth it? 2(1221759) = $2,443,5185) Create a probability distribution table for the random variable x = the amount won/lost whenpurchasing one ticket.6) In fair games, the expected value will be $o. This means that if the game is played many...manytimes, then one is expected to break even eventually. This is never true for Casino and Lotterygames. Find the expected value of x = the amount won/lost when purchasing one ticket.​

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Answer:4Step-by-step explanation: